Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Talk

Hi Peeps!

Not really sure why they call it the birds and the bee's,Ouch! Your kids are changing and with that you should have the talk. I know, I would rather my kids learn it from me then their peers.

  Don't get me wrong your kids will talk about it with their peers. For me, I wanted to help give them a good Foundation. Not just about the birds and the bees but their body changes.
These books really help them understand how special they are but at there age appropriate level. They have some for the boy and the girls; I purchased at Mardel.
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Friday, April 29, 2016

Whats that Smell?

Hi Peeps!

SNiff,Sniff,is it just me or do you smell it too? The dishes are done,laundry caught up,and trash taken out. WOah, can you smell it that's my Son! Those armpits are Toxic!!

                                                          Ah welcome to Teen years!

                                                         Hit the Follow Button!!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

We can do this!

Hi Peeps!

I think losing friends is hard for anyone really but watching your child lose friends is harder. They just want to fit in with other peers. Seeing her self esteem fly away no matter what you do to help her. The friends that she does have say, she is a firer one. She can be bossy,argumentative, and demanding at times. I've been told by a few moms that I don't discipline my child. What they don't realise is I do behind closed doors.

I will not humiliate my child in front of others. Seven months ago we were dealing with a child who would scream at me for everything,slamming doors,defiant on Anything and everything,and crying behind the shed,refusing to do school work. At first my husband and I thought she was just being a rebellious teen. I cried a lot of tears trying to figure out how to help her and where did I go wrong. After trying hard on our own we sot out a counselor. Five months in we were referred to a psychiatrist.

 The wait was three months for this one place and I told her counselor and she recommended another person. The wait time was still the same so every week or two I would call for a cancellation to try and get her in quicker; it worked! Of course my daughter didn't really sleep at all that night in fact she woke me up at 5:30am. Our appointment was at 8:40am and the drive was an hour away. I was exhausted and thought it was time to leave so we were there 40 minutes early,eek! My sweet "little" girl was diagnosed with ADD, Social Anxiety,and Paranoia.

Since, I homeschool my children and she has literally fought me everyday for school. My husband and I decided it would be best to see what public school could offer her at this time(Yes,they have attended PS before). I was able to speak with one of the school counselors about my daughter and her diagnoses. I asked a variety of questions and was even told about a 504 plan. You have to qualify for it but it pretty much helps give your child acommendations in school. The example she used was smaller class setting for taking test. She told me by the diagnoses my daughter has she will more and likely qualify. You have to register your child and then go get a form from the counselor and have your psychiatrist fill it out. In mid-August, I will be doing a Back to School supply shopping haul with my daughter.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Guys Night Out

Hi Peeps!

Everyone needs nights out with their friends I think it helps you be a better person,spouse,and parent. My husband gets out once a week. He and several guys meet at a local game store. They have tables set up for you to play games with groups and even tournaments. They also sell a variety of board games,cards,and dice. My husband and his friends enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons. I however am not a fan. What do your husbands do for a Night Out?

Miscarriage & Healing

Hi Peeps!

Congrats, your are  expecting a bundle of joy. Wow! What a personality already. Hamburger pizza and pink lemonade was on the menu. The planner that I am would purchase a variety of baby stuff. I was extremely excited but kinda nervous due to my other pregnancies that were rough. At the two month mark I started feeling not so great. I had my husband pick me up from work;just needed some rest. I used the ladies room before I left. Peeps,I lost my baby that day on October 3rd. My heart so did not want to flush that toilet. I later found out I had a tubal pregnancy. I worked at a hospital at the time. Seeing babies,diapers,bottles,or anything baby would make me cry. It seem like everywhere I turned there was a pregnant lady,new baby,and baby stuff. My grief turned to anger;it just wasn't fair! I was angry at the ladies who were still pregnant or even who were holding their babies. I stuffed my feelings deep down for two years. Scrolling online found a church that did counseling for miscarriages and sleeping babies. They made me feel so important and loved. That even though my baby was only two months it was still important. That was the beginning of my healing. I also read a few books on how it was normal to feel angry after all of this. If someone you know is going through this please do not tell them:
It was for the best or God needed them back. Maybe something was wrong with your baby. This hurts not helpful in anyway. It made me shrink back and not talk to certain people. Just listen no response just listen. My little angel would have been 8 this year.

As always thanks for reading and hit the follow button.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Hi Peeps!

Today,we received our loot of stuff for our pets today. You pay monthly for a box of pet goodies. It's a complete surprise what you receive. Normally there is treats,t-shirt,and a toy. Let me show you the fun box they got today.

The inside
Your dogs t-shirt
Matching shirts
Bacon flavored treats
Bacon plush/squeaker toy
For their collar
Collecting cards
This is Yoda modeling his new T-shirt;just wagging his wittle tail.
Here is the link to order yours and spoil your geeky pet!

As always thank you for reading and hit the Follow button!


Hi Peeps!

Today, I was looking at CVS online to see if I could find any Wet & Wild makeup deals. I would like to do a tutorial on just using Wet & Wild makeup. The deal I found was one lipstick for 99cents. Most people would say,why not just go to the Dollar Tree and get it. Well,they had a buy one get one free deal that's why,lol!

Left to Right:Breeze & Dark Pink Frost

Why,I love homeschooling

Hi Peeps!

I am sure some of you might think, I fell in the Peeps coop for wanting to homeschool. I am sure some of you ask yourself,why would she want to be around her kids all day;let alone teach them. Imagine watching your child write cursive for the first time. Read a book and then give you an oral book report(you didn't even have to ask for). Watching a child get mad over a math problem then watching the light bulb turn on. Teaching them to cook and just simply watching them grow. Watching their little personalities blossom. This is why,I love homeschooling.

Curriculum,I Love

Hi Peeps!

Every homeschool mom goes on the Hunt for the Best curriculum for their child(ren). Ok,so here is a few of my personal favorites.

A. Teaching Textbooks(math) For third grade and up. I feel it slows down and gives quality information. You can either purchase just the book and answer key or the whole package which includes a cd.

B. Bob Jones-handwriting,feel like they give them plenty of practice without going overboard.

C. Abeka-Language Arts, Science,and History. No real reason why I like it,  just do.

D. Monarch-Language,kinda on the fence with this. I feel like they need more review before a quiz or test. I would have loved a better video clip(kinda blurry and no color).

E. Khan Academy-Online Free video lessons.They have more than just math.

As a homeschool mom of four years. I have quite a bit to learn. I hope my reviews on my favorite curriculum has been helpful. I would Love to hear your Favorites! As always thanks for reading and hit the like button.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Medical Struggles

Hi Peeps!

Ouch! Do you feel that? Medical term that would be my ovaries enlarged and containing numerous small fluid-filled sacs which gather around the eggs. I was diagnosed about eight  to nine years ago with Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. This comes with several other symptoms. Not everyone will have all the symptoms.

I believe it was two years ago and I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. About seven months ago I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism(tired thyroid). all three of these things have not be fun but you make the best of it all.

I hope this has been helpful if any of you suffer from symptoms. Just cause one treatment works for some doesn't work for all. As always thank you so much for reading.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

College Life with Kids

Hi Peeps!

As if marriage isn't hard enough let's add College to the mix. I worked full time while my husband attended college full time. During the day my kids went to daycare.  Even though I was working long hours,my husband was going to college,and not having a lot of time to spend with the kids;we made the best of our situation.  Happy to say, after all Our hard work, My kids and I watched daddy/husband cross that Stage to receive that diploma. We may have not done it the "correct" way but He did It! My sweet husband got me a Thank You "diploma". It pretty much is saying,thank you for Backing me up and Being there for me. Peeps that meant the World to Me!

If this is  Where you are at, I Encourage you to Keep going. You can Do it! My advice is do not do this route. Our church offered this video series for marriages. I wish we had this before we were married might have saved a little heartache for us both .   As always, thank you for reading and hit the follow button.


Hi Peeps!

Today, we had a chance to let my daughter check out a horse rescue place where she can volunteer. They had tons of animals to love on, music, hot dogs, silent auctions, and t-shirts. There was a horse there named Holly which, of course, I thought was cool.

The black pig was trying to use his snout to escape,lol.

This rabbit was so so so soft!

Holly the Horse!

Thank You for reading!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Real Life

Hi Peeps!

Ah,Yes, honeymoon over and real life has kicked in! Marriage is already difficult by itself. Put Two immature young people together and this is what you get. When we had our daughter, I matured, A Lot! My dear husband did not. Um, hello diapers are more important than Football cards,Oy! We struggled and disagreed on a variety of things. We learned that we need quite a bit of money to make it. After learning about eviction,lights being cut off,and Horrible car problems! My husband had enough of his dead end job at the pizza place. Guess what he did?! He came home in the middle of the day and told me he Quit! Are you kidding me?!! After, I calmed down, the next day, I went and look for a job and Found one! Looked into a decent college that we could live on campus and for  him to attend school. Found one,called and got the paperwork in the mail. There was just No way I was going to let him waste that Amazing brain the good Lord gave him. Even if it has taken us both longer to Mature. We packed and were on our New Adventure in life with two kids in Tow!
As always Thanks for Reading. Smack that Follow button!

                                                                     Thanks Peeps!!

Friday, April 22, 2016

First Timers!!

Hi Peeps!

Have you ever been curious on doing false lashes? My daughter and I were so we gave it a go! First timers,lol! We laughed so hard at ourselves! I simply purchased some from our local I simply wanted some cheaper ones due to us never doing this before. The brand we used is Wet & Wild. You have to be careful with the glue a lot comes out at once. I learned quickly!

First one and then the result,lol!!
As always Thanks for reading and Hit the Follow button!
*These photos were approved by my daughter.*

Revolving Door!

Hi Peeps!

Some people have five year plans to have kids. Other people prefer none. Some people suffer from infertility. Some even just adopt. But there is a few that prefer a lot. We tried for a year before we were blessed. I hit the 6 week mark and man.  The toilet and I became Good friends! Then it got worse and worse. Then the hospital and I became really good friends. My baby girl tried to come at 28 weeks. Then my bed and I became friends(bedrest),boring! Worth every moment! My daughter was born at 37 weeks and only 4.5 hours of labor. I deserved that!

Then a year later we were blessed again. This time the hospital was a Revolving door!I was so sick, I ended up with a PIC line(numbing did NOt work for Me!). At 37 weeks he made his grand entrance via c-section. I made it to 9cm without ANY pain. It was well deserved! The cord was tightly wrapped around his little neck 4 times! He wasn't breathing and rushed to the nursery for oxygen. Both of my kids are True blessings and Miracles!
These were the only pictures they would allow me to post. I respect that!
As always thanks for reading and Hit that Follow button!!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

What a Deal!

Hi Peeps!

Today, I ventured over to Big Lots to see what they had and found a couple things I wanted.
These Elf brushes were $1 each!

Found these Adorable Hello Kitty stickers!! Wasn't sure on the price so I took up front and asked and since this is what was found on the last page.

The lady said the stickers were $4 dollars, but since one page was pretty much ripped out and no more on the shelf, she gave them to me for a $1! It never hurts to ask.

As always, thanks for reading and please hit the follow button.

How our School day is Suppose to Go

Hi Peeps!

As a homeschool mom you have a plan on, How its Suppose to go, but it doesn't always go that way. The plan:
7am: Wake Up time that includes showers.
8am: Breakfast & Devotion
9am: Start our day
3pm: School should be done and chores completed. Then play time!

It may start off like this but it started not going that way. I didn't know, why, I was sooo tired and felt horrible but I would try so hard and put a smiley face on. That was four years ago!
How it started going.
10-11am: Wake up time that includes showers.
11am-noon: Was eating and devotion
Noon: Start our day.
This, this is not what I wanted to happen! I felt like a bad mom and a let down for my kids. Even though I felt horrible and wasn't quite sure what was going on. I still planned park days,parties,and other fun activities for them. Keep reading to find out what the doctors told me!
As always Thank You for reading and please hit the Follow button!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

They said,It Wouldn't Last

Hi Peeps!

Eighteen years ago, I met this guy at Mazzio's who I later found out liked me.I had no intention on dating any guys at the moment. We talked A Lot after work and he seemed very nice and I loved his Corny jokes.Our first failed date went something like this.Hey,you want to get a hamburger after work,um,I guess.We got to Whataburger and I changed my mind and told him I was tired.I was nervous,lol.Another night,man he was brave,ask me to go to Ihop with him. I said,yes,as long as my friend could go with me.That night Peeps he learned, All about my friend,lol.He was ever so sweet and even paid for her meal.After that date,I agreed to just us two.After three months of dating we finally Kissed.Yes,Peeps you heard that right,lol.Its kinda a blur on what day we got engaged but I do remember waiting a year before saying,I Do.His family and my family thought we were way to young and immature to get married.We really were too young,Um,Hello, guys don't always mature at the "correct" age.I struggle with ADHD and with that package comes immaturity.Well,on February 14,2000 we took the oath of I Do!Let me just say,we had no idea what was in store for us.
Erik's parents bought our wedding cake and his mom made his groom cake. Oh My, Oh, So Yummy!My parents paid for the rehearsal dinner.Peeps my friend from our first date gave me a Bridal Shower!Stay tuned to see what Ups and Downs we go through. It quite a Ride!As always thanks for reading and Please Hit the Follow button!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Impromptu Shopping Haul

Hi Peeps!

Today, I just did a impromptu shopping trip. I brought my handsome son with me. He asked for a coke and Whoppers. Getting quality time in is Very important to me.A few things that caught my eye at the Dollar Tree. Hello Kitty mouthwash(Yes, I Love Hello Kitty),April Bath & Shower(Touch of Love-You can really smell the Blackberry & Lilac), cupcake candle that smells like red velvet,oh my yummy! A package of seven Hello Kitty stickers,a magnet for the fridge, two finger nail polishes by Wet & Wild(Sparked & Tickled Pink),Wet & Wild eye shadow called Cheeky,Wet & Wild , Very Black mascara, and seven day pill reminders. These pill jar reminders will be for my daughter making homemade lip gloss and eyeshadow out of crayons. I will post a tutorial on that soon with the recipe she follows.
                                        As always thanks for reading and please follow!!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mom,Escape Time!

Hi Peeps!

Sometimes as a mom we need to Escape and reFresh! I do several things to help me. This last time I went shopping. The best thing is my husband's wallet never cried!

You Want to Homeschool; Getting Started!

Hi Peeps!

You decided to homeschool but not sure where to start? Great news! I 've been there, done that,and literally got the T-shirt!
The Very first thing, I would suggest is to become familiar with the Law.  Second, I recommend you finding a local homeschool group. Wonderful place to meet other moms and your kids to make Friends. Most homeschool groups have Veteran homeschool moms with loads of information. They also offer your kids field trips and a variety of activities. Third, Research your curriculum. There is a Ton out there to choose from. You are the only one who will know what best fits your child. Take your time in this and be sure you like it. I even suggest you asking a homeschool mom for a curriculum shopping day. Who doesn't like shopping?? Fourth, You will need to withdraw your child from public school. I have had the office ladies be rude to me but I was doing the best for my kid.
Last but not least,start homeschooling. Let loose and have fun! Learning needs to be fun! As always have a wonderful day and please do not forget to follow! :)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hold on Tight!

Hi Peeps!

My name is Holly. Wanted to start a blog to share my life experiences. Hopefully, you find my experiences helpful. But what's a blog without fun as well! Here is what, I will be offering through my blog. Information on Homeschooling, The Ups and Downs of Life,Beauty Hauls, as well as Shopping Hauls.As always, Thank You for reading and don't forget to Follow! :)