Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hot Spot

Hi Peeps!

My poor fur baby. I had to take him to the emergency clinic this afternoon. He was whining and just seemed like he totally didn't feel well. They diagnosed him with Hot Spot.

                                                                  They shaved him

                                                         He has licked all of his paws.

What you do when the pet store is closed and you can't get a cone for him.

Big Momma's boy today.

Treats to get his pills down and because he deserves them.
I am kinda upset they didn't provide me a cone when the clinic chargers $85 just to be Seen! Then $120.91 for everything else. Poor whittle guy got two shots today and he snuggled with me for a nap.


  1. Oh wow, with that amount of money spent I would have thought they would provide you with a cone! And my dog had a hot spot before, we bought her this spray that they sold at the pet store, and it was a lot better of a price than the vet. I will have to see what the name of it is and let you know in case it happens again!

  2. Satellite Dreams,yes,that would-be great!
