Saturday, May 28, 2016

Its Hard

Hi Peeps!

Lately my husband and I have been battling some bad news. He is a guy so he takes it more as a disappointment and I take it differently. Since we have some infertility problems we thought why not adopt a child who could use a good home. Due to my daughter's mental illness we were told we can not adopt til she is stable. My heart is broken not just for me but for my child. My daughter is an amazing,beautiful,talented,artist,and animal lover. Life is hard sometimes but we are doing the best we can.

If you have wondered how to Adopt. I did a blog about that and if you have any questions,I will do my best to answer them. There is a ton of kids out there who need a wonderful home to feel loved,protected,and stable.

What breaks my heart is my beautiful daughter literally only has one friend. I am sure it's due to her mental illness and moodiness. She is trying hard to be "normal" and some days are harder than others. Monday, I was able to get a 504 for her starting school in the fall. A 504 will give her acommendations in school. I will miss homeschooling her and getting that extra time with her. I know this is best for her right now. My heart is still broken for her in different ways.

Stigma is a mark of disgrace that sets a person apart. When a person is labelled by their illness they are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Negative attitudes create prejudice which leads to negative actions and discrimination.

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